Austin Community College is soon to
usher in the new campus carry policy, so to create a smooth transition, a “campus
carry task force” committee was formed. The Committee has hosted three forums
to educate the community. The concerns that many have expressed at these forms
by faculty, teachers, and students alike are concerns based on fear, false
facts, and narratives put out by Anti-gun advocates.
A concern vocalized multiple times was the idea that people are going to start shooting or brandishing a weapon over grades or controversial topics in a class room. This is not realistic because there is no evidence to suggest that this is a probable scenario. Evidence does suggest however, the more likely scenario where a crazed person comes into a gun free zone, which are magnets for people who want to commit mass murder. A person hell bent on causing maximum harm to others knows that they will have a window of time before anyone with a gun gets there. That is one primary reason why the data and statistics show gun free zones are more dangerous. Point in case, Columbine high school where 13 were killed, University of Texas 18 killed, Virginia tech 32 killed, Sandy hook elementary school 27 killed; all gun free zones, and the list goes on. Here is the reality: concealed carry holders are statistically the most law abiding group in the country. Texas as of 2016 had over 1 million licensed to carry holders. Concealed carry holders will make our campus safer, not less. When law abiding people have guns criminals are less empowered. I believe the new concealed carry laws give people a fighting chance to defend life, and disincentivises would be armed assailants; and the evidence and data backs up my belief. For instance, the 2013 CDC report commissioned by the anti-gun Obama administration and National Research Institute reluctantly concluded that the statistics and data unquestionably show that "the presence of a fire arm and concealed carry deters crime". There are 500,000 to 3.3 million cases of defensive gun use annually which is far greater then criminal usage.
A concern vocalized multiple times was the idea that people are going to start shooting or brandishing a weapon over grades or controversial topics in a class room. This is not realistic because there is no evidence to suggest that this is a probable scenario. Evidence does suggest however, the more likely scenario where a crazed person comes into a gun free zone, which are magnets for people who want to commit mass murder. A person hell bent on causing maximum harm to others knows that they will have a window of time before anyone with a gun gets there. That is one primary reason why the data and statistics show gun free zones are more dangerous. Point in case, Columbine high school where 13 were killed, University of Texas 18 killed, Virginia tech 32 killed, Sandy hook elementary school 27 killed; all gun free zones, and the list goes on. Here is the reality: concealed carry holders are statistically the most law abiding group in the country. Texas as of 2016 had over 1 million licensed to carry holders. Concealed carry holders will make our campus safer, not less. When law abiding people have guns criminals are less empowered. I believe the new concealed carry laws give people a fighting chance to defend life, and disincentivises would be armed assailants; and the evidence and data backs up my belief. For instance, the 2013 CDC report commissioned by the anti-gun Obama administration and National Research Institute reluctantly concluded that the statistics and data unquestionably show that "the presence of a fire arm and concealed carry deters crime". There are 500,000 to 3.3 million cases of defensive gun use annually which is far greater then criminal usage.
The Campus Carry Task Force board members should help with the transition in implementing this new law by helping educate our teachers and faculty members on the facts, data, and statistics to help alleviate their irrational and misguided fears. The implementation and education of laws and policy should always be constructed on facts and not on emotion.